Hadriel, read and understand the following statement:
So by attempting to suggest that a lack of explanation of the origin of DNA is somehow a "deal breaker" for evolution, you're actually revealing that you have not yet come to understand and appreciate the difference between evolution and abiogenesis and the total irrelevance of the mysteries of abiogenesis to the proven reality of evolution. Your whole line of reasoning is fundamentally flawed because it is premised on a lack of acceptance and understanding that evolution by natural selection has already been shown definitively to be the case. Whether life was initially designed in such a way that it would evolve by natural selection; or whether this happens naturally without any deliberate intelligent purpose, does not change the reality that life is evolving by natural selection.
Let me illustrate it this way Hadriel: Imagine two primitive cave men are arguing over why a child is dying. The more intelligent cave man is saying that the child is dying of poisoning. He cites evidence of the child having very recently been in an area where a certain plant grows which has in the past caused the deaths of animals that ate it. He cites the child's face being dirty with the juice of the fruit of that very plant. He cites evidence of the seeds of the fruit of that very plant being seen in the liquid vomited up by the child.
The other cave man writes on the wall of the cave: "Poisoning: the deal breaker". Then he starts telling the other one that maybe he should not be so quick to say that it's poisoning. What if a another cave person force fed the child the fruit? If the child was force-fed the fruit then that would be a whole different matter, because you see the child would be dying of murder and not poisoning, because there would be an initial, separate intelligent force or being driving the child's action of eating that fruit. So until we can determine exactly how that fruit got into the child's system we need to keep an open mind to the possibility that the child was murdered and is not just dying from having eaten a poisonous fruit.
Do you see what I'm trying to say Hadriel?